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We specialise in representing victims for data breach compensation claims.

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Tag: Technology

Blackbaud cyberattack
October 12, 2020

Blackbaud cyberattack compensation advice

If you are one of the many victims of the Blackbaud cyberattack, we may be able to represent you for a legal case for data breach compensation.

We are representing clients for cases on a No Win, No Fee basis, so if you have yet to sign up for a case, please speak to the team for help and advice now.

If you have been informed that your personal data has been affected by the breach, you could be eligible to claim with us. It is likely that the breach notification will come from the organisation you had provided your information to, but it was the Blackbaud company itself at the centre of the hack.

You may be eligible to claim thousands of pounds in compensation – read on for more guidance.

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By Matt
police data breach
October 06, 2020

Greater Manchester Police data breach may affect thousands of serious crime victims

It is understood that a serious Greater Manchester Police data breach may have affected thousands of victims of serious crimes.

In an exclusive story broken from, it has been reported that a whistle-blower has revealed the details of the serious data leak to the media. The coverage confirms that information had been uploaded to a “test system” and may have been accessible on a third-party IT contractor’s website for some two months.

Information may have included the names and addresses of victims of serious crime, including sexual assault and domestic abuse. Data may have also included the details for informants and witnesses involved in cases as well.

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By Matt
app privacy
April 29, 2019

Still time to start your we-vibe data breach compensation claim

There’s still time to start your we-vibe data breach compensation claim and be a part of the legal action we’ve been running since news of the scandal hit the headlines.

We’re representing a large group of victims on a No Win, No Fee basis. Claims are live and being pursued in the UK, and we’re still taking cases forward now (just last week we added more Claimants to our growing list).

Although you’re still in time to join the action, we strongly recommend that you initiate your legal case as soon as you can. We’ve been fighting for justice since 2017, so we’re more than two years on from taking cases forward. Deadlines are looming, and we don’t want you to miss out on your chance to claim.

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By Matt
March 04, 2019

The 500px data breach incident

News of the monumental 500px data breach incident has hit the media recently. It may have affected all of their users – that’s 15 million people worldwide.

It’s understood that an ‘unauthorised party’ gained access to their systems on 5th July 2018. However, engineers only discovered the security issue and the subsequent breach last month. That means a period of around six months where victims of the 500px data breach have been left vulnerable to further attacks.

It’s thought that all 15 million of their users are affected by the incident. The organisation has triggered password resets as a precaution. Victims will need to keep an eye on their online accounts and activity, as well as being wary of phishing scams.

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By Matt
social media scammers
February 18, 2019

Inquiry calls for greater Facebook regulation

An inquiry from the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee has called for greater Facebook regulation to shift the power from the corporations to the people.

Recommendations include an independent regulator that could be responsible for enforcing an ethical code of conduct that all tech firms must adhere to. They could also be handed powers to bring legal proceedings for breaches and enforce new rules for tech firms to prevent and remove disinformation, false news and harmful content.

The inquiry was launched off the back of the Cambridge Analytica scandal and also focuses on the misuse of personal data as well.

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By Matt
large medical healthcare data breaches
February 11, 2019

Mumsnet data breach

The Mumsnet data breach is said to have affected dozens of accounts after a software change resulted in the exposure of some users’ personal information.

Users who logged into their account during the breach period may have been able to see the account information for other users, and vice-versa. Mumsnet has reported themselves to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and has reversed the software alteration and logged all users out of their accounts.

Software changes that lead to data breach are not uncommon. Some of the data breach compensation claims we represent people for have stemmed from this type of breach. Victims of such data breaches may be able to take legal action.

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By Matt
January 21, 2019

Collection #1 incident a stark wake-up call

The leak of hundreds of millions of email addresses and passwords – known as Collection #1 – is a stark and alarming wake-up call.

The 87gb file that was published contained data that’s said to have been gleaned from a number of different hacks and attacks over several years. It serves as a monumental wake-up call for those who are guilty of reusing the same login credentials across different platforms, and for those who haven’t changed their passwords for years and / or use rubbish passwords.

Criminals have the technology to use data from these hacks to systematically target accounts with very little effort. People are in imminent danger.

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By Matt
data breaches
August 28, 2018

Data breach costs go way beyond money

Data breach costs go way beyond the money an organisation needs to pay in fines and claims. Consumer trust and reputational damage can be just as costly.

With data breaches constantly in the news, we’ve never been more aware of the impact they have, with practically most people nowadays impacted by at least one breach out there. The numbers of victims in some of the big breaches have hit the millions, and when it comes to consumer confidence and the reputation of an organisation who suffers a breach, there are trends to be assessed.

Trust and reputational data breach costs can be the real killer in the long-term.

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By Matt
data breaches
August 20, 2018

Business data breach headlines being ignored?

It’s understood that business data breach headlines are still being ignored by business leaders, despite the monumental costs and consequences they can have.

Although the research and studies bring about all sorts of facts and figures, another recent worrying one indicated that only around a third of businesses are properly investing in new software to protect themselves against the increasing risks of hacks and business data breaches.

With huge names suffering massive losses as a result of big breaches, this number really isn’t reflective of a proper desire to protect the data they hold.

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By Matt
February 19, 2018

Amazon wants to let people into your home to drop-off parcels

Giant online retailer Amazon has introduced its brand new service to stop thieves stealing your parcels from your doorstep: Amazon Key. Instead of leaving your parcel outside, Amazon wants to open your front door to drop off your parcel.

Does this sound like a good idea to you? Technology today can do almost anything, so surely something like this is just another step towards a brighter, more innovative future?

I don’t know about you, but it sounds rather risky to me…
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By Admin

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