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Tag: Scammers

Ticketmaster data breach compensation
February 21, 2022

The risks of reusing passwords

In principle, most of us should recognise the value of creating complex, unique passwords for each of our online accounts, but many of us find it difficult to apply this principle in practice. Until we are directly confronted with a compromised security event, few of us may comprehend the risks of reusing passwords. It is for this reason that we think it’s important to reiterate the dangers of this fundamental security error, particularly in a world in which we are constantly facing the threats of cybercrime.

In the digital world, just one stolen or leaked password could allow a cybercriminal to unlock a wealth of valuable information. As hackers continue to develop more sophisticated methods, password misuse could be regarded as a growing phenomenon.

We are a firm of specialist data protection lawyers, so we know all too well the dangers that victims of information exposure can be made vulnerable to. In our capacity as data breach specialists, we want to empower our clients to protect their data security as far as they can, which is why we are offering this advice as a basic data protection strategy.

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By Matt
banking app scams
December 06, 2021

Spikes in retail data breaches in the run up to Christmas

As we are now in December, our shopping habits are bound to increase in the run up to Christmas, so now is the time to remind people about spikes in retail data breaches at this time of the year.

Not only can this apply for people needing to make sure that they are safe when shopping online, but it can also apply for the time of the year being perfect for scammers to exploit. This is the time of year when retail businesses are usually busier, and when there may often be a lot of traffic on websites. It can be the perfect time for hackers to exploit businesses, and any lapses in security could come back to haunt.

Whilst it may be the most wonderful time of the year, it can also be one of the most vulnerable times of the year when it comes to data protection and cybersecurity.

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By Matt
Hacked Cybersecurity
November 15, 2021

Labour Party data breach stems from ransomware cyberattack

At the start of the month, it came to light that a potentially major Labour Party data breach was taking place, reportedly involving a third party suffering from a cyberattack.

Although it is understood that Labour’s own systems were not breached or directly affected by the cyberattack, a third party that stores and processes information for members on behalf of the Party was hit by what was reported to be a ransomware attack. It is thought that the hackers were not targeting Labour directly and appear to have financial motivations behind the attack.

The Labour Party notified members of the data breach and warned them to be wary of being contacted for scams, which could occur via email, text or from calls. We have taken on cases for those affected, so contact the team for help and advice now.

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By Matt
large medical healthcare data breaches
November 01, 2021

Medical data breach claims

Healthcare organisations hold swathes of medical records and information, most of which are stored digitally. Technological developments have put pressure on healthcare organisations to ensure medical data is protected with strong cybersecurity and strict data processing regulations, but some hospitals and practices are still failing to meet the mark. When a healthcare organisation causes a medical data breach, the effects can be significant for those affected.

Victims can have their privacy compromised in all kinds of ways, but the underlying truth is always the same; if a third-party organisation has failed to protect your information, your right to privacy may have been breached, and you may be entitled to claim compensation.

As specialist Data Breach Lawyers, we have been supporting victims through the difficult aftermath of data breaches for several years, helping them to obtain the compensation they deserve. Anyone who has been affected by a medical data breach can contact us for free, expert advice on their potential claim. You could be entitled to No Win, No Fee legal representation.

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By Matt
Airline data breach
May 31, 2021

easyJet Cyberattack Claim

In May 2020, the news of the easyJet cyberattack broke, and the airline revealed that around 9 million customers had been impacted by what it labelled a “highly sophisticated cyber-attack”.

We are now representing people for an easyJet cyberattack compensation action to ensure that as many victims as possible can recover compensation for any harm caused.

The travel industry is often a target for cybercriminals, with British Airways and Marriott numbering among the other companies to have suffered major data breaches in recent years. Yet cybercriminals alone cannot be blamed for these breaches. EasyJet should be held accountable for the security vulnerabilities that allowed an attack of this scale to occur, if this is what has taken place.

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By Matt
April 05, 2021

Customers reportedly told to keep quiet about Fat Face data breach

Reports have recently emerged detailing the events of the Fat Face data breach, following the company’s decision to send out an email to affected customers. Victims were reportedly told to keep the information about the incident private.

The data breach itself is understood to have occurred in January, but it was not until the end of March that customers learned of the exposure of their information. Investigations by Fat Face has established that some systems were reportedly subjected to unauthorised access, affecting both customer and employee data. It has also been alleged that Fat Face paid a ransom to a cybercrime gang, though neither the company nor the ICO, the data protection regulator, appear to have confirmed this claim.

Those who have had their private information exposed in the Fat Face data breach may be able to recover compensation for the harm caused. Everyone has a right to adequate data protection. If companies fail in this duty, they can be liable to issue pay-outs to those affected.

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By Matt
banking app scams
March 08, 2021

Scammers claiming to work for Virgin Media

Email and phone scams continue to become more pervasive and varied as cybercrime grows, and one of the latest forms involves scammers claiming to work for Virgin Media.

The telecoms company has issued a warning in response to the reports of the fraudulent communication. Virgin Media suffered a notable data breach last year, and we are currently taking on claimants in a group action against the company. However, there is no evidence that these scammers are linked to the data breach, but there is a good reason as to why we need to look at how the two could, even if in theory, be linked.

Personal data is a valuable commodity to fraudsters, and there is a lot of money to be made by the theft and resale of private information. With a few simple contact details, scammers may be able to manipulate unsuspecting victims into handing over further personal data. This has happened before with data breaches and scammers have targeted victims, even passing themselves off as the breached company by exploiting exposed information. This is why it is important to talk about these issues in the context of a breach.

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By Matt
banking app scams
December 14, 2020

Compensation for banking app scams

Banking app scams are one of the latest ways in which hackers are targeting victims. People have lost thousands of pounds to these kinds of scams, but there can be a way to make a claim for damages and loss.

One of the common ways scammers are exploiting people is using a technique called ‘spoofing’. This can make the caller appear as the same number as a bank or a legitimate organisation, tricking the victim into believing that the call is legitimate.

In many cases, scammers get hold of the victims’ details from data breaches. They can then contact them and use real information to convince the victim that they are genuine. Victims can then be subjected to fraudulent transactions or being duped into handing over money or more information to be abused.

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By Matt
data breach archive
November 25, 2020

Wisepay data breach

The Wisepay data breach occurred over several days between 2nd and 5th October 2020. The school services breach is said to have affected over 300 schools’ payments systems over the weekend that it occurred.

We understand that hackers managed to gain access to Wisepay’s systems to gather sensitive information as part of the cyberattack that remained undetected for two full days.

As a specialist law firm with years of experience in the complex field of data breach law, we are here to help you now. We currently represent thousands of claimants for signal cases and in dozens multi-party and group actions, with millions of pounds in damages recovered. We are passionate about fighting for justice for victims of data breaches and we can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.  

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By Matt
Blackbaud data breach ransomware
August 05, 2020

Blackbaud data breach: information hacked

The widespread and recently publicised Blackbaud data breach has resulted in a wealth of personal information being hacked, affecting over 100 organisations in the UK.

Many of those affected are universities, and there are also charities that have been impacted by the breach as well. Victims are being notified of the breach, and if you have been contacted, we may be able to help you. For eligible cases, we may be able to offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

Here’s some advice about what has happened, what data has been affected, and how we may be able to help you today.

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By Matt
Credit Debit Card Hacked
March 02, 2020

Compensation advice if your debit or credit card is hacked

If your debit or credit card is hacked, you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation with our team on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Whether you can claim or not can depend on how the hack has taken place. If your payment card information has been compromised due to a data breach, you may have a case against the organisation where the data was stolen from. They have an important legal duty to look after your personal information, and if they fail to do so, they can be liable for a legal case.

We represent a lot of clients for these types of claims. We understand the distress that can be caused, as well as the need to recover lost money. You’re not alone, and we can help you.

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By Matt
social media scammers
April 16, 2018

The wealth of data on social media platforms like Facebook is a gift to cyber criminals

It isn’t just data from hacks and breaches that can give a criminal enough information to scam you; it can also be the wealth of data on social media platforms like Facebook that they use as well.

Sometimes, for a person to become a victim of fraud or identity theft, it can come down to a case of a cyber-criminal being able to obtain enough information about a person from various sources. One source could be from a hack or breach – which could from large-scale breaches such as telecommunications providers or dating websites. This can then be combined with another data source which we willingly put out there on the internet for all to see… On social media sites for example.
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By Matt

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