"We cover news and updates from the digital world with information on the latest legislation, high profile cases and changes in the online industry."
We specialise in representing victims for data breach compensation claims.
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Yahoo seems to have ‘put their foot in it’ following revelations about the massive data breaches.
In a recent company’s filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), it revealed that many employees knew of the hack since 2014 and that the data breach had been a ‘recent investigation’ when the company announced the news on September 22.
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Although many businesses and organisations should have in place a security team and a ‘data breach preparedness plan’, it is said that many do not review, update, or actually practice it.
I then ask: what’s the point of having such a plan?
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There is a clear question about an abuse of power here, as well as the fact that this amounts to a potential breach of supposedly secure data.
Police Constable Andrew Green accessed a number of intelligence systems in which he had been prohibited access from previously. It’s reported that a ‘software glitch’ allowed PC Green access to the system he wasn’t supposed to be able to get in to, which is serious enough; but this also raises questions about the cyber-security of the system, and how PC Green could even have access to the system again at all.
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In the first half of the 2015, the UK reportedly suffered the most data breaches in Europe in 2015 according to data from Gemalto.
The SIM card and digital security vendor claimed in their Breach Level Index report that 63 breaches took place in the UK in the first six months of 2015. Germany came next with 8, followed by the Netherlands with 6.
However, it only equated to 3.4% (8.3 million) of the global total of 246 million breaches. In comparison with America, who equated to 49%, and Turkey with 26%, the UK pales in comparison; but the figures are still very high.
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In recent years, hacks and leaks have increased at an extraordinary rate. Although most data breaches still occur within the healthcare sector, the utilities sector remains one of the biggest culprits as well. The TalkTalk data hack last year is still fresh in our minds, and we’re assisting people making claims off the back of that particular hack.
Another one was the 2015 British Gas leak where the email addresses and passwords of 2,200 of its customers appeared online.
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