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Category: Scammers

September 03, 2018

Data breach fatigue is said to be growing

Data breach fatigue is said to be growing because of the sheer volume of data breaches that are happening on a continual basis.

In case you’re not aware, data breach fatigue is the idea that people are becoming less and less bothered about data breaches because they’re happening all the time. It’s almost as if there’s no longer a ‘uniqueness’ to the concept of someone falling victim to a data breach, and this can lead to a ‘group think’ kind of scenario where each individual’s interest in the risk can be diluted.

It’s said to be growing, and this could be very bad news for all of us.

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By Matt
data breaches
August 20, 2018

Business data breach headlines being ignored?

It’s understood that business data breach headlines are still being ignored by business leaders, despite the monumental costs and consequences they can have.

Although the research and studies bring about all sorts of facts and figures, another recent worrying one indicated that only around a third of businesses are properly investing in new software to protect themselves against the increasing risks of hacks and business data breaches.

With huge names suffering massive losses as a result of big breaches, this number really isn’t reflective of a proper desire to protect the data they hold.

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By Matt
local council data breach
August 13, 2018

Financial data breach uncertainties remain a concern

Recent security research has revealed that financial data breach uncertainties remain a concern, with worrying figures in 2017 over breaches and protection.

It’s thought that as many as 70% of financial organisations may have suffered a data breach, with many simply unable to confirm for definite whether they have or haven’t, and whether the breach was related to an unauthorised third-party access event.

The growth of open banking is said to be a huge factor as financial organisations no longer have a closed door on their systems and servers with customers being able to access and manage their finances online.

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By Matt
sign-up for a Virgin Media data breach
April 23, 2018

New GDPR rules could see reported data breaches soaring

Data breaches are soaring, and only better cybersecurity and improved data protection training and protocols is going to stop the crisis worsening.

Almost every day we are seeing yet another breach somewhere around the world. With cyber-criminals getting smarter, and with many investing their ill-gotten gains back into their “business” to create more powerful tools, something needs to be done.

The new GDPR rules coming into force next month may be the catalyst needed for organisations to take cybersecurity more seriously.
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By Matt
social media scammers
April 16, 2018

The wealth of data on social media platforms like Facebook is a gift to cyber criminals

It isn’t just data from hacks and breaches that can give a criminal enough information to scam you; it can also be the wealth of data on social media platforms like Facebook that they use as well.

Sometimes, for a person to become a victim of fraud or identity theft, it can come down to a case of a cyber-criminal being able to obtain enough information about a person from various sources. One source could be from a hack or breach – which could from large-scale breaches such as telecommunications providers or dating websites. This can then be combined with another data source which we willingly put out there on the internet for all to see… On social media sites for example.
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By Matt
email data breach
March 15, 2017

“Are email scammers becoming more sophisticated?” – The rise of email scamming and how individuals and companies should tackle it

Email scamming is becoming more sophisticated and commonplace, studies and research has shown.

With bank scams, it’s arguably easier to detect as you would not expect an email from them warning you of a hack. However, you could expect email providers to email you regarding your account, and that’s one popular method used by scammers these days.
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By Admin

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