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We specialise in representing victims for data breach compensation claims.

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Category: Cybersecurity

BA data breach
November 04, 2020

The BA data breach fine – is it enough?

Following the British Airways data breach in 2018, where almost 500,000 customers were affected, the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has issued its final fine. The BA data breach fine was announced to be just £20 million – a significant 90% less than the initial proposed intention to fine last year of £183m.

Though £20 million is no small amount, for the international airline, the question is whether this data breach fine is enough to have a proper impact. In terms of how the ICO decides how much it should fine data breach offenders, it should be enough to have a ‘dissuasive effect’ on the company and others in order to warn them from committing further data breaches.

In the case of the BA data breach fine, it is not seen as a high enough amount to have a dissuasive effect when you consider how much of the original proposed amount has been wiped out.

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By Matt
Blackbaud cyberattack
October 12, 2020

Blackbaud cyberattack compensation advice

If you are one of the many victims of the Blackbaud cyberattack, we may be able to represent you for a legal case for data breach compensation.

We are representing clients for cases on a No Win, No Fee basis, so if you have yet to sign up for a case, please speak to the team for help and advice now.

If you have been informed that your personal data has been affected by the breach, you could be eligible to claim with us. It is likely that the breach notification will come from the organisation you had provided your information to, but it was the Blackbaud company itself at the centre of the hack.

You may be eligible to claim thousands of pounds in compensation – read on for more guidance.

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By Matt
police data breach
October 06, 2020

Greater Manchester Police data breach may affect thousands of serious crime victims

It is understood that a serious Greater Manchester Police data breach may have affected thousands of victims of serious crimes.

In an exclusive story broken from, it has been reported that a whistle-blower has revealed the details of the serious data leak to the media. The coverage confirms that information had been uploaded to a “test system” and may have been accessible on a third-party IT contractor’s website for some two months.

Information may have included the names and addresses of victims of serious crime, including sexual assault and domestic abuse. Data may have also included the details for informants and witnesses involved in cases as well.

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By Matt
Airline data breach
September 07, 2020

easyJet cyberattack compensation

If you have yet to sign-up for an easyJet cyberattack compensation claim, you still have time to do so and you could benefit from our No Win, No Fee representation today.

We are confident that there is a case to answer which is why we are taking claims forward and taking action on a No Win, No Fee basis. This was a substantial data breach that has led to the personal details for millions of people being exposed. In some cases, payment card data has also been affected.

Our lawyers are fighting for justice for thousands of clients for individual cases and in dozens of different data breach group and multi-party actions. We have launched legal cases for victims of the easyJet incident, and we are here and ready to help you.

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By Matt
Virgin Media data breach action
August 24, 2020

Virgin Media data breach action

If you have yet to join the Virgin Media data breach action, where you could claim thousands of pounds in compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis, here is what you need to do.

There is a dedicated website here – VirginMediaDataBreach.Co.Uk – where you can sign-up now for a compensation claim. You can benefit from No Win, No Fee representation from our leading legal team, and get a case set up in a matter of minutes. You could be entitled to receive up to £5,000.00 in damages, based on early provisional estimations.

Whatever you do, do not leave it too late to start a case. There will likely be court cut-off dates in the future, and missing those could mean missing out on your chance to claim.

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By Matt
large medical healthcare data breaches
August 10, 2020

Healthcare cyberattacks: compensation claim advice

Healthcare cyberattacks can be devastating for the victims which is why we fight for their rights for compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Each case is different, and we do need to assess claims to see if we can help you. But we can give you some general guidance in this article as to when you may be able to claim and what you can claim for.

Medical data breach compensation cases are one of the most common types of legal cases that we represent people for, and the impact can be truly devastating for the victim. Here’s how we may be able to help you.

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By Matt
Blackbaud data breach ransomware
August 05, 2020

Blackbaud data breach: information hacked

The widespread and recently publicised Blackbaud data breach has resulted in a wealth of personal information being hacked, affecting over 100 organisations in the UK.

Many of those affected are universities, and there are also charities that have been impacted by the breach as well. Victims are being notified of the breach, and if you have been contacted, we may be able to help you. For eligible cases, we may be able to offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

Here’s some advice about what has happened, what data has been affected, and how we may be able to help you today.

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By Matt
Virgin Media data breach compensation claim
July 13, 2020

Virgin Media data breach compensation claim sign-up process

If you have not already started your Virgin Media data breach compensation claim, here’s the important advice you need to know for getting signed-up as soon as you can.

There’s a dedicated website for you to be able to quickly and easily sign-up for a case. We’re representing clients for cases on a No Win, No Fee basis to make sure that you are protected when you pursue your legal case with us.

Here’s how you can sign-up today and a little information about the group action for compensation we are involved with.

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By Matt
university data breach claims
June 29, 2020

University data breach claims: know your rights

University data breach claims can lead to victims suffering substantial distress and financial loss. Victims could be entitled to No Win, No Fee legal representation.

In this article, we will briefly outline when you could be eligible to claim compensation, what you can claim for, and why it’s important for higher education institutions to protect the data they hold. We represent victims for group and individual claims for university data breach cases on a No Win, No Fee basis, and victims have a voice with us.

Here’s how we can help.

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By Matt
Ticketmaster data breach compensation
June 24, 2020

Ticketmaster data breach compensation action: two years on

This week marks the second anniversary of the Ticketmaster data breach compensation action that we launched when victims of the breach were notified about what had happened.

This was one of the first big breaches that took place just after the introduction of the GDPR. We knew it was just a matter of time until a data breach event like that took place, and we immediately started legal action. In fact, we launched the action by way of a formal Letter of Claim to Ticketmaster within weeks of the breach hitting the headlines in 2018.

We now act for a group of victims of the data breach who we are representing for compensation cases on a No Win, No Fee basis. If you have yet to start your case, you should do so ASAP, and we will outline what steps you need to take here.

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By Matt
local council data breach
June 15, 2020

Local council data breach compensation advice

If you have suffered as a victim of a local council data breach, you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation with our team on a No Win, No Fee basis.

The law is on your side and it’s there to be used if you’re ever the victim of an incident where personal information has been exposed or misused. We represent thousands of people for data breach cases and many involve local authorities, so you are not alone, and you have a voice for justice.

Here’s a little guidance in terms of when you may be able to bring a legal case and what you could be eligible to claim for.

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By Matt
Virgin Media data breach claim
June 08, 2020

Sign-up for a Virgin Media data breach claim today

If you have yet to start your Virgin Media data breach claim, you can sign-up quickly and easily today for No Win, No Fee representation.

If you are one of the 900,000 victims of the data breach, you have the right to justice. We are representing a large group of victims for cases and there is still time to claim if you have yet to sign-up. You could be entitled to an estimated pay-out of up to £5,000.00 for the distress suffered by the loss of control of your personal data.

Here’s a little information about making a claim and the No Win, No Fee guarantees that we have in place for you.

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By Matt

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