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We specialise in representing victims for data breach compensation claims.

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Author: Matt

sign-up for a Virgin Media data breach
March 18, 2019

We could see a huge Marriott GDPR fine

The scale of the Marriott GDPR fine that could be issued after last year’s huge data breach incident could set the precedent. And it could be significant.

The Marriott data breach saw a wealth of personal and account data exposed for a number of years between 2014 and 2018. It affected some 500m people and may have compromised passports and exposed travel information. As such, this is an incredibly serous data breach, and any punishment issued will need to reflect that.

The costs of dealing with the breach, plus the legal action costs and regulatory fines, could be monstrous for the hotel chain.

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By Matt
new gdpr rules for international data transfer
March 11, 2019

A number of NHS fax data breach issues have come to light

There has been a spate of NHS fax data breach incidents as a result of a fax number used within the healthcare system that’s similar to an unrelated one.

A hotel group that reportedly has a similar fax number has contacted the Corporate Information Governance Team at NHS England to report the issue. As a result, NHS England has reminded GP surgeries and pharmacists about the importance of making sure data is sent to the correct recipient.

These kinds of NHS data breach cases are so easy to avoid, yet they often happen so easily.

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By Matt
March 04, 2019

The 500px data breach incident

News of the monumental 500px data breach incident has hit the media recently. It may have affected all of their users – that’s 15 million people worldwide.

It’s understood that an ‘unauthorised party’ gained access to their systems on 5th July 2018. However, engineers only discovered the security issue and the subsequent breach last month. That means a period of around six months where victims of the 500px data breach have been left vulnerable to further attacks.

It’s thought that all 15 million of their users are affected by the incident. The organisation has triggered password resets as a precaution. Victims will need to keep an eye on their online accounts and activity, as well as being wary of phishing scams.

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By Matt
data hack
February 26, 2019

Joining the Equifax Lawsuit in the UK

You can join the Equifax Lawsuit in the UK that we have been helping clients for since news broke of the data breach back in 2017.

We now act for a large number of Claimants who have instructed us to represent them in their fight for justice. This was a preventable breach that has caused distress to a number of victims who were caught up in the incident. The vulnerability with Equifax’s systems should have been identified earlier as well.

If you’ve yet to join the Equifax lawsuit in the UK, there’s still time to do so. But you should get involved ASAP to avoid missing any key deadlines in the action.

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By Matt
social media scammers
February 18, 2019

Inquiry calls for greater Facebook regulation

An inquiry from the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee has called for greater Facebook regulation to shift the power from the corporations to the people.

Recommendations include an independent regulator that could be responsible for enforcing an ethical code of conduct that all tech firms must adhere to. They could also be handed powers to bring legal proceedings for breaches and enforce new rules for tech firms to prevent and remove disinformation, false news and harmful content.

The inquiry was launched off the back of the Cambridge Analytica scandal and also focuses on the misuse of personal data as well.

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By Matt
large medical healthcare data breaches
February 11, 2019

Mumsnet data breach

The Mumsnet data breach is said to have affected dozens of accounts after a software change resulted in the exposure of some users’ personal information.

Users who logged into their account during the breach period may have been able to see the account information for other users, and vice-versa. Mumsnet has reported themselves to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and has reversed the software alteration and logged all users out of their accounts.

Software changes that lead to data breach are not uncommon. Some of the data breach compensation claims we represent people for have stemmed from this type of breach. Victims of such data breaches may be able to take legal action.

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By Matt
email address breaches can you claim for compensation
February 04, 2019

Well Pharmacy data breach claims

We can help you make a claim for compensation if you were a victim of the 2018 Well Pharmacy data breach incident.

Some 24,000 people were affected by the breach when an email had been sent out inadvertently contained an attachment. The attachment contained personal and potentially sensitive data about the thousands of victims affected.

Email data leaks are one of the more common types of data breach compensation claims we deal with. These kinds of incidents are entirely preventable and should never happen in the first place.

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By Matt
medical data
January 29, 2019

HIV status data breach compensation claims

If you have been the victim of a HIV status data breach, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation with No Win, No Fee representation.

We can tell you from years of experience that HIV status data breach incidents can be absolutely devastating and can have a lifelong impact on  the victim. The legal action that we’re helping a large number of the 56 Dean Street HIV status data breach victims for is still ongoing, and the evidence and witness statements from our clients says it all.

Anyone who has suffered as a victim of a HIV status data breach may be eligible to claim compensation, and we’re here to help.

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By Matt
January 21, 2019

Collection #1 incident a stark wake-up call

The leak of hundreds of millions of email addresses and passwords – known as Collection #1 – is a stark and alarming wake-up call.

The 87gb file that was published contained data that’s said to have been gleaned from a number of different hacks and attacks over several years. It serves as a monumental wake-up call for those who are guilty of reusing the same login credentials across different platforms, and for those who haven’t changed their passwords for years and / or use rubbish passwords.

Criminals have the technology to use data from these hacks to systematically target accounts with very little effort. People are in imminent danger.

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By Matt
January 14, 2019

Claim Equifax data breach compensation

You may be eligible to claim Equifax data breach compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis if you were a victim of the huge 2017 cyberattack.

We launched our legal action for justice once news of the breach hit the headlines. Since then, we’ve been taking cases on and we’re now acting for a large group of victims.

You still have time to join the Equifax data breach compensation action, but we’re urging anyone who has yet to sign-up to do so ASAP. There are deadlines to claim, and there could be court-imposed deadlines put in place as well. The action is well underway.

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By Matt
mobiles and apps
January 07, 2019

Dixons Carphone data breach compensation

You still have time to join the Dixons Carphone data breach compensation action we launched, and you can claim on a No Win, No Fee basis.

The massive 2017 Dixons Carphone data breach was  huge and affected millions of people. Although the breach took place in 2017, the news of the incident was only reported a year later in 2018. The reason for the shocking delay was apparently down to the discovery of the breach after internal changes and investigations by the troubled company.

The legal action for justice is well underway, but you still have time to join and start your case today.

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By Matt
data breach
January 02, 2019

Marriott data breach compensation action

You may be eligible to claim Marriott data breach compensation if you’ve yet to sign-up for legal representation.

This was a huge breach with around 500m people affected across the globe. Personal and contact information had been exposed since 2014 in some cases. Payment card data was also exposed in the breach, potentially leaving victims at an imminent risk of fraud.

We can help victims claiming Marriott data breach compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis. This means that you do not have to pay for our legal fees if the case doesn’t win, so long as you abide by the T’s and C’s of our agreement.

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By Matt

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